Your Curated Morning (#154) for Thursday August 29, 2024 is Here!

The Main Thing:

The other day, in a Mastermind group I belong to, the leader talked about her "tech stack." She and most of the group members are "solopreneurs," so the discussion regarding productivity and organization tools was valid and interesting.

Over the years, I've experimented with a variety of tech tools, both in organizational settings and as a solo operator. However, one application has consistently stood out-Evernote. This versatile tool, serving as a digital repository for articles, ideas, notes, videos, and anything else that piques your interest, is a game-changer in staying organized and in control of your information.

What are your strategies and tools for operating your organization and impacting economic development in your community? This is not just a trend, it's a necessity in today's digital age. This is what it means to be tech-forward.

This week, I am highlighting a post I wrote late last year about your tech stack and how it can impact your business or organization. I'd love to hear about your experiences with tech tools and strategies. Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Read more here.

Focus on City and Rural issues --

6,000 sheep will soon be grazing on 10,000 acres of Texas solar fields by Carrie Klein | Canary Media

There are YouTube channels where you can watch off-grid permaculture farmers use goats and pigs to eat brush and areas of overgrown fauna, all to clear out the land. How about sheep? Sheep seem less destructive than goats and pigs, which may be why they are used to graze the grassy areas around solar farms. This article explores this concept. So the next time you have a solar project in your area, start a sheep grazing business or find one to complement the energy company providing energy.

The Most Walkable Cities in the U.S. by T.M. Brown | Thrillist

Cities are made to be walked in, and suburbs are to be driven. This was famously said by …me. It is not as profound as some other urbanists or city planners, but this article supports my quote. The most walkable cities in this article created by the author are all big cities, except Long Beach. Other walkable cities are missing from the list, including Indianapolis, where I once lived. Their Cultural Trail construction is one reason I would add them to the list. Is your City or town walkable, or is it an auto-paradise?

The Most Important Power That a Mayor Has by Stephen Goldsmith | Governing

A mayor I knew once told me that the leader of the economic development organization, if they do their job correctly, has the "power to convene." The article's author highlights the work of Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin and his convening of numerous regional organizations and communities in his region to meet workforce and economic development challenges. The author himself understands these dynamics, having once been a Mayor of a major US city, Indianapolis. Are you using the power to convene? Is the leadership of your community using this assumed power?

Other Articles of Interest this week:

Leadership -- Unlocking organizational communication: Five ways to ignite employee engagement by Dana Maor, David Honigmann,James Naylor, and Eric Sherman | McKeinsey Client Capabilities Network -- Communications can be an organization’s superpower. Five approaches can help leaders engage, inspire, and harness the full potential of their teams.

Technology -- Figure steps closer to humanoid robots in workplace and home with F.02 by Paul Ridden | New Atlas -- California-based robotics outfit Figure has today announced its second-generation humanoid robot. The robot is initially being aimed at production lines in commercial settings, but the company is promising a bipedal butler in our homes in the near future.

Economic Development -- Is Left-Behind America Making a Comeback? By Alan Ehenhalt | Governing -- Something positive seems to be happening in many places that have been losing jobs and people for a long time. The gains may be modest, but they’re worth paying attention to.

Green Economy -- This week in climate policy: 4 stories you should know about by Leah Garden | Trellis -- Republicans change their tune on the IRA; Georgia receives over $1 billion for a new solar plant.

Mentoring -- 3 Strategies for Successful Mentorships by Ross E O'Hara, Ph.D. | Psychology Today -- Shared goals, driven by the mentee's needs, are essential to a successful mentorship. Formalized mentoring programs must provide opportunities for mentors and mentees to match organically. Equity should be at the forefront of mentoring programs even when diverse mentors are unavailable.

Something You Should Read:

In the article "A Superintendent's Success With Hispanic Students May Have Been His Downfall," the folks at Governing ( I know I cite their articles often; however, they are good at what they do) write about a School Superintendent's effort to educate all of the students in his district, regardless of their English proficiency. The superintendent took his responsibility seriously and created several innovative programs that not only allowed non-English-speaking children to excel but also significantly contributed to their progress as contributing community members.

Regrettably, the promising trajectory of these programs was disrupted by local politics and biases, which led to a situation where a program that was once celebrated and attracted substantial grants and funding is now being sidelined. These local politics and biases, which may include budget cuts, discriminatory policies, and lack of support, are rooted in regressive attitudes and prejudices.

Read the full article and ask yourself if this is what we want in a country that has always found a way to help everyone who makes it here.


Thanks for the Coffee!

I am going to take this and run down to my local coffee shop (remember, buy local)! There, I will sip on my black bold... Read more


Mindset for Leaders

A new way of looking at things that promote learning and development can be helpful for your career and personal... Read more

Overheard :

“The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller. The storyteller sets the vision, values and agenda of an entire generation that is to come.

— Steve Jobs

Listen, Eat, Drink, WATCH, Read, View

For many of us, summer is on the way out, and fall is arriving soon. Just this past weekend, I watched a college football game (Georgia Tech vs. Florida State from Ireland), so I know the seasons are changing. But just because it's going to start getting cooler doesn't mean that you should quit outdoor activities. One of these outdoor activities is cooking out on the grill.

I have grilled all types of meat and vegetables, but I have only grilled ribs a few times with modest success. Hamburgers, pork loin, steak, and even fish are much more familiar to me than the ribs recipe attached to the link.

Grilling ribs is not just about the end result, it's about the enjoyable journey of learning and experimenting. The fire should be low and slow, so keep an eye on the charcoal. It might not be perfect the first time, but if you're a curious cook like me, it's a journey worth taking.

So why not give it a try? ​Check out the recipe here ​and make your summer last a little longer.

Listen, Eat, Drink, WATCH, Read, View

More food. This video is a commercial for some products (Toyota, Huckberry), but a video about food with Brad Leone is always fun. Leone (“lee-o-nee”) is a former Gourmet Magazine video host who has ventured off independently.

In this video, we watch Leone and his mates eat tacos while off-road camping in the desert around southern California.

In the video, Leone claims not to be a chef, although he has previously worked at restaurants. His love is fermented food. In his previous video, he has pickled and fermented almost everything you can imagine. But in this video, it is all about camping and tacos.

Listen, Eat, Drink, WATCH, Read, View

These days, you might stumble upon internet headlines urging you to 'Go on a Dopamine Detox' or something similar. But let's delve into the science: dopamine, a naturally occurring neurochemical, is released when we experience something pleasurable. This release becomes a habit, occurring every time we engage in that pleasurable activity. The concept of 'detoxifying' this dopamine protocol is not only misleading but also goes against the very nature of pleasure and reward.

These two fellas in this video are talking about breaking a habit that they believe will impact their health in the long term. I enjoyed the conversation because of Tim Ferriss, the author and podcaster best known for his book, "Four-Hour Work Week." Ferris and his good buddy, Kevin Rose, talk about abstaining from caffeine, liquor, sugar, and sex in this snippet from a more extended podcast discussion.

I respect some of Ferriss's words, as he has a reputation for experimenting carefully and scientifically on himself. But one can't detox from dopamine. You can only replace one pleasurable thing with another. Dopamine is such a strong neurochemical that it can cause people with substantial willpower to become addicts of drugs, alcohol, sex, scrolling, Pokemon card collecting, electronic gaming, gambling, and the list goes on. Whatever gives you pleasure repeatedly is the function of dopamine.

Watch the interesting conversation here.

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Whenever you’re ready, there are several ways I can help you:

1. Economic Development: If you are looking to supercharge your economic development organization, I can help by strategizing and developing a roadmap to success. Set up a time to talk to me here.

2. Culture Change; Is your organization changing? Would you like to create an asset out of your culture? Do you know how to assess team strengths? Let me help you. I'm a certified culture change practitioner. Set up a time to talk to me here.

3. The Green Economy; The world is changing. Some of it is positive, and some of the change is not. Let me help you develop green economy opportunities for your community. Set up some time to talk about here.

4. Mentoring Programs: Circles of Seven (C7) is a proven and award-winning model for mentoring. Whether it is for business or your community leadership program, I can develop a mentoring program for you. Let's talk about your situation. Set up a time here.

If you have any thoughts or comments regarding any articles in this newsletter please feel free to contact me through email at​

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