Your Curated Morning (#151) for August 8, 2024 is Here!

The Main Thing:

One of my favorite books of recent years is GRIT by Angela Duckworth. The concept of GRIT is the subject of my next post about overcoming obstacles. GRIT is defined as passion, perseverance, long-term focus, resilience, and deliberate practice. If you can achieve that formula, you will display grit.

There are numerous examples of business leaders and others who have displayed grit in achieving their goals and objectives. As you will see in my post, grit also requires some "thick skin." This resilience is crucial because the journey in pursuit of your goals is often riddled with many setbacks and failures. Understanding this can help you prepare for the challenges ahead.

I invite you to explore this next post in the series exploring overcoming obstacles. I'm sure you'll find it engaging and insightful.

Continue Reading Here.

Focus on Green Economy

CenterPoint’s landmark $106 million clean energy plan approved by regulators by Mike Hughlett | Star Tribune

Minnesota's largest gas provider, CenterPoint Energy, has received approval for a groundbreaking $106 million clean energy initiative. The five-year program, costing average households about $1.50 monthly, aims to cut 14% of the company's greenhouse gas emissions. It includes innovative projects like renewable natural gas production, geothermal heating systems, and electric heat pump installations. While the plan has garnered support for its ambitious climate goals, it's also sparked debate among consumer advocates and environmental groups over its effectiveness and cost to ratepayers. This bold move highlights the challenges and opportunities in decarbonizing the natural gas sector.

Federal government gives Illinois $430 million to fight climate change by Juanpablo Ramirez-Franco | WBEZ

Illinois is set to receive a $430 million boost from the EPA to combat climate change, focusing on three key areas: building retrofits, vehicle electrification, and sustainable agriculture. This substantial grant, part of a larger $4.3 billion federal initiative, aims to slash the state's greenhouse gas emissions by 57 million tons by 2050 - equivalent to removing 13.5 million gas-powered cars from the roads. The funding will support ambitious projects like retrofitting 12,000 homes, expanding electric vehicle infrastructure, and promoting sustainable farming practices. Building on Illinois' existing climate legislation, this investment promises to accelerate the state's transition to clean energy while creating jobs and improving air quality for residents.

Ohio is capitalizing on federal clean energy policies to dominate American solar manufacturing. Let’s keep it that way By Abigail Ross Hopper | Opinion |

Ohio is emerging as a powerhouse in American solar and energy storage manufacturing, thanks to recent federal clean energy policies. The state is building on its rich industrial heritage to become a hub for 21st-century clean energy technology. With over $100 billion invested in the solar industry nationwide in just two years, Ohio is seeing significant growth in solar manufacturing jobs and facilities. Companies like Illuminate USA and First Solar are expanding operations, creating thousands of jobs and boosting the local economy. This shift not only promises economic benefits but also enhances U.S. energy independence and national security. As solar manufacturing capacity triples nationwide, Ohio's leadership in this sector is helping America reclaim market share from China and meet growing energy demands with domestically produced technology.

Other Articles of Interest this week:

Leadership -- Economic development a top priority for mayors, National League of Cities says by Ysabelle Kempe | Governing -- For the first time in the NLC report’s 11-year history, housing is one of the top three themes among the 50 mayoral addresses analyzed.

Technology -- 2 in 5 business leaders claim AI has boosted creativity by Patrick Kulp | Tech Brew -- Is generative AI a boon or anathema to human creativity? Many business leaders are thinking about this as technology seeps into the writing and visual tools that offices use every day.

Economic Development -- Quantum quarterbacks: Pritzker’s a ‘geek’ for computing science that Emanuel calls ‘cutting edge of the next generation’ by Tina Sfondeles | Chicago Sun Times -- Leaving the science to the experts, the governor and former Chicago mayor concentrate on bringing attention and funds to support the experimental field of quantum computing, which has the potential for faster development of vaccines and unhackable computers.

City/Rural -- The Olympic Games That Weren’t by Adam Berg | Governing -- In 1976, Coloradans dismantled Denver’s Olympic torch before it could be lit. With the 2024 Summer Olympic Games now underway in Paris, it seems like a top-of-mind moment to revisit a hard lesson in the complex politics of growth.

Mentoring -- Breaking the binary: how mentorship can advance inclusion in technology by Ann Newton and Brett Whyte | ABC -- Mentoring programs are a fantastic tool for boosting engagement, increasing retention, and finding your community at work. Learn more about how ABC Mentoring Programs contribute to building inclusive technology teams.


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A Blog You Should Read

All the self-help literature encourages us to transcend our limiting thoughts and let go of the past. This process of personal growth allows us to move forward, shedding the thoughts that were ingrained in us as children or formed through trauma. 

Soren Kierkegaard, a Danish theologian and philosopher, introduced the concept of life as a paradox. His profound words, “Life can only be understood backward… but it must be lived forwards,” invite us to ponder the wisdom they hold. 

Figuring out precisely what this means can be a mind-bender. Kierkegaard may have been saying that we need to learn to live in the spaces between the past and the future. While the past may impact us, we need to forget about it and live in the future or in that moment right before the future happens. Is this what they mean by living in the movement? Is doing so more fulfilling? 

I have many questions, and I hope this article from the BIG THINK website will help us find some answers.

Read more here

Overheard :

At various points, in big ways and small, we get knocked down. If we stay down, grit loses. If we get up, grit prevails.

Angela Duckworth


Mindset for Leaders

A new way of looking at things that promote learning and development can be helpful for your career and personal... Read more

Listen, Eat, Drink, Watch, READ, View

Have you ever wondered why birds can sit on high-voltage power lines without getting fried? If you paid attention in science class during the segment on electricity, you might know the answer. I, however, was more focused on impressing the pretty girl beside me. Unfortunately, that didn't work out, but I bet she could answer this question.

The answer to the question might surprise you. While many birds do die, there's a simple reason why some don't. According to the article:

One 2014 study estimated that between 0.9 and 11.6 million birds are killed by electrocution in the US every year…One 2016 study by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's National Forensics Laboratory looked at 417 electrocuted raptors, finding that nearly 80 percent of fatalities were bald or golden eagles.

To uncover the full answer, I encourage you to read the article. It's a simple explanation, but I believe it's best experienced through the article's detailed exploration.

Listen, Eat, Drink, Watch, READ, View

While it's true that many people I know may not be fond of the bitterness of an IPA, I personally find it to be a delightful characteristic. It's all a matter of taste, and for me, the bitter but better IPA is a style that I particularly enjoy. Having recently lived on the East Coast, I've had the chance to explore the unique flavors of New England IPAs versus West Coast-style IPAs. It's interesting to note that several breweries have even ventured into brewing something called No Coast IPA, which is not a distinct style of IPA but rather a playful take on their coastal counterparts.

In the linked article, the authors express their admiration for the classic IPAs, a sentiment I wholeheartedly share. I've had the pleasure of savoring several of these iconic brews, including Anchor Brewing's Liberty Ale, a beer that first delighted palates in 1975.

Read more here.

Listen, Eat, Drink, WATCH, Read, View

Watch, then go out and read. I like Mark Manson, the author of the book “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k.” The book has been popular for several years, first published in 2016. The book is about how constantly seeking comfort and happiness in all situations can paradoxically lead to more dissatisfaction. The core message is that caring too much about everything or feeling entitled to constant positive emotions can actually make life more difficult.

He is an interesting person, although I am not a fan of his profanity. I understand that it's a part of his style and message, but personally, I’m more old school when it comes to swearing. Maybe I will write a blog post about it someday.

It's fascinating to see the books that Manson credits with changing his life. I was sure I'd have read some of them, considering myself well-read. However, it turns out I've only read one, and that was back in graduate school. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas S. Kuhn was a requirement in my Public Administration class, and I enjoyed it so much that I still have my dog-eared copy in a box somewhere.

After watching the video, I'm excited to read the books Manson recommends. I'm curious, which one would you choose to read first? I'd love to hear your thoughts and recommendations!

Thanks for Reading


Thanks for the Coffee!

I am going to take this and run down to my local coffee shop (remember, buy local)! There, I will sip on my black bold... Read more

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