Your Curated Morning (#146) for July 4th, 2024 is Here!

The Main Thing:

The Fourth of July holds a special place in my heart. As a child, it was a day of excitement and family tradition. We'd venture to the city center to witness the dazzling fireworks display, often preceded by a backyard cookout featuring sizzling hamburgers and steaks on the grill. Friends would join us, adding to the festive atmosphere. One memorable year, we celebrated at our favorite public beach on a serene Wisconsin lake.

The holiday's historical significance always captivated me. As a history enthusiast, I found the birth of our nation and its democratic ideals truly inspiring. The patriotic imagery - red, white, and blue flags fluttering in the summer breeze - combined with the crackle of firecrackers, the warmth of sandy beaches, and the aroma of grilled burgers created an indelible Fourth of July experience.

As a parent, I made a conscious effort to keep these cherished traditions alive for my children. We continued the ritual of watching fireworks and hosting cookouts, just as I had done in my youth. My hope is that their Fourth of July memories are as heartwarming and joyful as mine.

In recent years, we've heard rhetoric about our nation being more divided than ever before and warnings that our democracy is in peril. Some claim that the American experiment is doomed if the upcoming election doesn't go a certain way. I find myself questioning these dire predictions.

I believe there's more positivity and genuine communication happening than we're led to believe. Mainstream media often focuses on the sensational and frightening, as it drives viewership and engagement. While a powerful tool, social media can be used to prey upon those who may not delve deeply into policy issues or feel disconnected from the political process. This doesn't make them bad people; rather, they're being exploited.

This Fourth of July, I choose optimism. I'm grateful for my immigrant parents, who sought a new life in the United States after World War II. I appreciate growing up in my Midwestern town with its beautiful parks, vibrant Fourth of July celebrations, and, yes, even its imperfections. I'm thankful for the people who continually strive to grow their local economies and make honest, earnest efforts to improve their communities.

On this Independence Day, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of you. Your presence, efforts, and contributions to our nation are invaluable. May you continue to prosper today, in the coming weeks and months, and in the years ahead. Happy Fourth of July! Happy Independence Day!

Focus on the Green Economy --

How do you ensure hydrogen is ‘clean’? Treasury rules draw fire by Christian Robles | E&E News

The Treasury Department's proposed rules for hydrogen tax credits under the Inflation Reduction Act have sparked debate between industry representatives and environmentalists. The rules aim to promote clean hydrogen production using low-carbon energy sources, but industry leaders argue they may hinder growth and increase costs. Key issues include requirements for new clean energy sources, challenges for nuclear power integration, and concerns about the timeline and costs associated with meeting the proposed regulations. The Treasury Department is reviewing over 30,000 comments as it finalizes these crucial guidelines, which will significantly impact the future of the hydrogen industry, potentially shaping its trajectory for years to come.

US Steel plant in Indiana to host a $150M carbon capture experiment by Jeff St. John | Canary Media

CarbonFree is launching a $150 million project at U.S. Steel's Gary Works to capture 50,000 metric tons of CO2 annually and convert it to calcium carbonate for industrial use. While this addresses less than 1% of the facility's emissions, CEO Martin Keighley claims it's a profitable approach to carbon capture. The project faces criticism for its limited impact and potentially prolonging carbon-intensive steel production. It highlights the ongoing debate about carbon capture's role in industrial decarbonization efforts.

How Tersus handles the resale ‘dirty work’ for The North Face, Arc'teryx and others by John Smieja | GreenBiz

Tersus Solutions, founded by Steve Madsen, specializes in reconditioning used garments for resale in the growing e-commerce market. The company handles the labor-intensive backend work for high-end apparel brands, including sorting, cleaning, repairing, and shipping used clothing. Tersus, which began with Madsen's liquid CO2 cleaning technology development, has since become a key player in the circular economy for apparel. The company faces challenges in scaling operations to meet the increasing demand for e-commerce services, including consolidating feedstock and developing partnerships with collectors and end markets. Madsen emphasizes the need for gradual, sustainable growth, providing a sense of reassurance about Tersus Solutions' long-term strategy in this evolving industry

Other Articles of Interest this week:

Technology --

Advanced AI Brainstorming techniques to improve your ideas by Julian Horsey | Geeky Gadgets -- Brainstorming is a fundamental technique in creative problem-solving. Artificial intelligence (AI) has introduced new dimensions to this process. This article looks at advanced methods of using AI for brainstorming, exploring more unusual and innovative applications, and providing specific prompts to unlock AI’s full potential.

Economic Development --

Data centers offer energy peril and promise, with the Midwest increasingly in the crosshairs by Kari Lydersen -- A massive Microsoft complex in Wisconsin hypercharges debate over data centers’ impacts on energy reliability. Southeastern Wisconsin and the Chicago area are emerging as significant players in the national data center explosion, most notably with Microsoft’s $3.3 billion planned data complex near Racine, Wisconsin.

Mentors/Intergenerational --

Reverse mentoring - madness or mindfulness? By Annie Hayes | HR Grapevine UK -- Opening your eyes to learning from whoever you receive it from can be a step change in acceptance; for many, it’s hard to learn from those that we see as either more junior or younger, yet done well, it can be enlightening and help many seasoned professionals move forward from either a career rut or the way things have been done, potentially speeding up processes or introducing new concepts. Embracing diverse perspectives can make us more open-minded and receptive to change.

City/Country --

What Happens After a Highway Dies by Mark Byrnes | Bloomberg CityLab -- The redevelopment of Rochester’s Inner Loop was widely hailed as a model for repairing cities scarred by freeways. But the project’s next phase stands to take a different turn.

Leadership --

Think you’re good at multi-tasking? Here’s how your brain compensates – and how this changes with age by Peter Wilson | The Conversation -- Multi-tasking has become a common practice in our busy lives, with people attempting to juggle multiple activities simultaneously to save time. However, research suggests that dividing attention between tasks, especially complex ones, can lead to decreased performance and safety risks.

Guest Blog Post

There is no doubt that the Green Economy's impact on the world today is great. Regardless of who we elect as President in November, the horse is out of the Barn. We cannot change the momentum of the green economy, only the speed at which we adopt it. It pays to read as much as you can about this trend, as it will weigh heavily (or should) on your economic development strategies and plans.

One green business blog I like to read is Change Oracle. Written by an award-winning futurist and trend watcher, it provides deep analysis and information about the interwoven trends and activities of the green economy and how they continue to impact your world today.

You can read the Top Business Sustainability Trends to Watch in 2024 and Beyond post here. Consider subscribing to the newsletter as well. It will be an excellent resource for you.


Mindset for Leaders

A new way of looking at things that promote learning and development can be helpful for your career and personal... Read more

Overheard :

“If you really think that the environment is less important than the economy, try holding your breath while you count your money.”

Guy McPherson, scientist & professor

Listen, Eat, Drink, WATCH, READ, View

Walking, a timeless activity, has been a part of human history for centuries. It's fascinating to think that humans populated North America by walking over a land bridge from what we now know as Russia to Alaska.

Popular culture often presents us with inspiring walks that people undertake to fulfill their bucket lists. One such walk that has always intrigued me is the Camino de Santiago. After watching the movie The Way with Martin Sheen, I was inspired to add it to my own bucket list. I'm sure many of you have similar aspirations. Who's up for the journey?

The article below outlines what it would take to take the longest continuous walking route in the world. It is 22,387 kilometers, or 13,910 miles and stretches from Vladivostok, Russia to Cape Town, South Africa. Just imagine the diverse and breathtaking landscapes, from the snow-capped mountains of Russia to the savannas of Africa, you would encounter along this journey.

The Appalachian Trail and Pacific Crest Trail are considered bucket list hikes here in the USA. Completing these long hikes can be a source of great pride and accomplishment. Where have you hiked? Are there any long hikes on your agenda?

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I blame President Dwight D. Eisenhower for the lack of train travel in the USA. Everywhere else in the world, train travel is common and ubiquitous. Eisenhower, on his return from WWII and his ascent to President, was largely responsible for making sure the Interstate system was built, creating and enhancing the car culture America is known for, and at the expense of train travel.

Trains are romantic in the USA and not a primary mode of travel. However, there are still opportunities to ride on some fun, scenic, and historic routes here. Some of those listed are small regional railroads that cater to tourists. Amtrak, our only national carrier, also has epic routes to consider.

This article outlines some of the best routes in the USA that you can take this Summer or even Fall and Winter. Check out the article here.

Of course, there are many YouTube videos that will take you on some of the trips outlined. Here is one that you might enjoy.

LISTEN, Eat, Drink, WATCH, Read, View

At several economic development conferences, I have organized a local craft brewery crawl. We always get some hardcore craft brewery folks who love to try new and local brews, and it's a great way to get to know each other.

Craft brewing is not just a trend, it's a thriving growth industry in the USA. Even the smallest of communities can tap into this potential and benefit from the economic opportunities it presents.

Consider the case of Potosi Wisconsin, a story that never fails to inspire. An NBC Sunday Morning news report highlighted this community and its brewery

At 1:49, Dave Fritz, the founder of the Potosi Foundation, encapsulates the community's success, saying, "It was all about the jobs to me. Communities are trying to bring jobs into communities. It's tough, competitive, and the best way is to take something already here and make it work." Your community could be the next Potosi, with the right approach and dedication.

In New York State, our economic development orgainzation even sponsored and promoted a local community college's Brewmaster Training program.

Is your community generating economic development with craft brewing? If you are, a brewery in your community might be included on the list of the 50 top craft breweries in the country (by state).

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1. Economic Development: If you are looking to supercharge your economic development organization, I can help by strategizing and developing a roadmap to success. Set up a time to talk to me here.

2. Culture Change; Is your organization changing? Would you like to create an asset out of your culture? Do you know how to assess team strengths? Let me help you. I'm a certified culture change practitioner. Set up a time to talk to me here.

3. The Green Economy; The world is changing. Some of it is positive, and some of the change is not. Let me help you develop green economy opportunities for your community. Set up some time to talk about here.

4. Mentoring Programs: Circles of Seven (C7) is a proven and award-winning model for mentoring. Whether it is for business or your community leadership program, I can develop a mentoring program for you. Let's talk about your situation. Set up a time here.

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